
Green your balcony - Finding Your Green Thumb-1

Touch, smell, taste, and see: gardening stimulates nearly all of the senses.

It’s a chance to literally get hands on and in touch with the earth, for example while preparing and planting beds. In spring and summer, the smell of blossoms and herbs fills the air, tantalising receptors in our noses. Some scents, such as lavender, even have soothing effects.

For those who grow edibles – fruits, vegetables and herbs – gardening also pleases your taste buds.

Many fruit-bearing plants are suitable for a home vegetable garden. Selecting ones that fit your special nutritional needs means you can enjoy the labour and its fruits. If you are a first-time gardener, courgettes are an excellent pick. They tend to grow easily – sometimes abundantly – and are low in potassium. Just make sure to harvest them before they get too large when they can become bitter and watery. Cucumbers and onions are other low potassium options that even gardening novices can master.

Herbs are also a great low-maintenance addition to a bountiful garden. And what is more satisfying than chopping home-grown herbs to add flavour to your favourite summertime dish? Try planting a medley of herbs, such as flat-leafed parsley, basil, rosemary, chives, dill and thyme, for a salt-free taste-boost all summer long.

The best part: bold tasting fresh herbs add full flavour without adding salt. Liberally seasoning with basil, parsley and co. can help you keep your liquids balanced.