Some are on haemodialysis, others receive at home therapy and still others have had a kidney transplant. What they have in common: all have overcome challenges and moved beyond setbacks to live full, active lives.
Patient experiences

Be inspired by lives.
Throughout the world today, there are hundreds of thousands of people living with chronic kidney disease. And each person has a unique story to tell. We asked some of our patients with particularly inspiring ones to share them with us.
Dialysis at NephroCare
Learn more about the feelings of our patients when they first learned that they will have to be on dialysis and how they experience being treated at NephroCare.

Video: Starting Dialysis

Video: Wellbeing

25 life lessons

A happy recovery from COVID-19

Dialysis does not define me

The remarkable life of Dolores Vázques

Two happy endings to pregnancies with CKD

30 years on dialysis

The green-eyed girl

Your companion for everyday life

“I finally feel better”

From patient to innovator
Chronic kidney disease and needing dialysis brings many changes with it. Our patients share their stories on how they learned to cope with these changes and how they enhance and maintain the quality of their daily life.
Having dialysis three times a week does not mean the end of foreign travel and holidays. You can continue to enjoy an active life visiting new places or just relaxing in the sun! In this section we have gathered some holiday’s stories from our patients, who share their experiences with us and describe how they were able enjoy their holidays with the support of NephroCare.
Work life
Balancing dialysis and work is not easy. However, being able to prove one’s capabilities and qualifications and pursue a successful career ensures a very positive quality of life for many patients with chronic kidney disease. In addition, a varied daily routine, financial independence and contacts with colleagues and business partners represent a welcome distraction.
Receiving a donor kidney is an exciting event for people who elect to pursue transplantation. So many factors must align for a transplant to actually happen, and the wait can be very frustrating at times. Against the odds, some patients do receive a new kidney and can live without regular dialysis treatment. Here are a few of their remarkable stories.
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